6 Exercise Types Every Dancer Should Include in Their Dancer Workout Routine
Do you want to develop a dancer workout plan that improves you as a dancer? Then you must work out across these six exercise categories.
How to Strengthen Your Ankles for Dance with Six Simple Exercises
Are you a dancer? Do you experience ankle injury or pain? These foot and ankle strengthening exercises for dancers are the foundation to taking your dancing to the next level.
The Importance of Aerobic Exercise to Complement Training
Have you ever wondered why you get out of breath or fatigued when you exercise for more than a few minutes? You’re not paying attention to aerobic exercise, are you?
9 Sustainable New Year Resolutions For Athletes
New Year resolutions. Why is it that we set out with such a strong resolve, only to fall at the first hurdle? How can we do better with our health and fitness resolutions?
The Best Isometric Knee Exercises to Maintain Your Strength
Let’s talk about isometric exercises for knee strengthening. What are they, and how do they work? Which might be best for you?
Lee Taft Multi-Directional Speed and Agility Workshop Recap
At Reload, we believe that when we learn from the world’s best, we can treat our clients in the best manner possible. Here's a recap from our Multi-Directional Speed and Agility Workshop with Lee Taft.
Kettlebell 101 – Why Kettlebells?
Why should you train with kettlebells? In this article, we answer all the basic questions you may have about kettlebell training.
What is Strength Training Minimalism and How Can It Help You?
Reload believes in the philosophy of Strength Training Minimalism. We’ve gathered some of what we’ve learned over the years and summarized it here in the hopes that it will help you progress in your own journey.
Kettlebell Athletic Development
How do we take the foundation that kettlebell training gives us and build on it to develop more athleticism?
The signal and the noise: overemphasis on imaging and MRIs
A lot of times, healthcare providers rely on imaging in order to dictate their treatment plans. What happens when the treatment plan is built around a finding that may not even be relevant to your symptoms?
Running to get into shape and getting into shape to run, what’s the difference?
In this article, we answer to the question: what is the difference between running to get into shape and getting in shape to run?